An institution in the sector since 1928

The Ligas School of Cutting (Scuola di Taglio Ligas) was established in Sardinia in 1928. In 1934 “ARTE NOSTRA” (Our Own Art), bimonthly magazine of technical information, was first published. Meanwhile in Turin, where the school moved later on, a new branch was being set up.

Between 1935 and 1942, out of many other small publications, “Il rapporto di proporzione per abiti maschili” (The Scale of Proportions in Men’s wear), “Il rapporto di proporzione per abiti femminili” (The Scale of Proportions in Ladies wear) and the 1st edition of “Il moderno grande sarto” (The Great Modern Tailor) were also published.
It is at this time, in Turin, that the first enterprises are born to support young tailors in their recovery after the hard times of war. The School director was one of the co-founders of the “Maestri Sarti” (Master Tailors) Association (A.M.A.S.).
In 1953, the 4th edition of “Il moderno grande sarto” (The Great Modern Tailor) is sent to press. In 1967 a new branch is opened in Spain, and in 1968 starts the publication of the fashion-plate album “DANDY”, containing the cutting techniques.

The long collaboration with GFT begins in 1972, at first only with an insert of a few pages of pattern technique in the magazine “Vestire” (Dressing), distributed by the Turin-based group in more than 20 countries. Later on, thanks to the success of this venture, a whole dossier is dedicated to the “Ligas Rational System”.Since the beginning of the 80’s, the Ligas School collaborates with the magazine “TECNICA DELLA CONFEZIONE E DELLA MAGLIERIA” (Ready-to-wear and Knitwear Technique), until the early 2000s.
Around the end of the 80’s the Ligas School of Cutting changes its name into Centro Studio del Modello (Pattern Study Center), proper service center for clothing industries, thus shifting its chief activity from teaching to pattern production.

But we never stopped to teaching.

In fact
We continue to teach our pattern system, holding both individual and group courses, customizing the program according to the needs of the students. We also introduce the students who wish, to use the dedicated technologies with 2D and 3D cads.
Many companies come to us to hold technical in-depth courses for their employees.
We can mention two of the highest level for which we have held courses both in cutting and in the use of cad. LORO PIANA and PATTERN.
Two names that for those in the trade are synonymous with the highest quality. You can imagine how much we were flattered by being consulted.

La scuola negli anni ‘70

Articoli succursali Spagna e Giappone

Camillo Ligas in Giappone, anni ‘90

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